MTÜ Tartu Ülikooli Akadeemiline Spordiklubi
57 men
43 women
62 youth
ATHLETICS | 47% 53% 83% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License |
Taivo Mägi | Eliittreener: spetsialiseerumine kergejõustik |
Anne Mägi | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine kergejõustik |
Tiina Torop | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine kergejõustik |
Marika Manglus | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine kergejõustik |
Harry Lemberg | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine kergejõustik |
Rasmus Pind | Athletics (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Grit Šadeiko | Treener: spetsialiseerumine kergejõustik |
Jakob Ristimets | Athletics (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Mikk Joorits | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine kergejõustik |
Rein Aule | Athletics (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Kätlin Koplus | Athletics (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
BADMINTON | 48% 52% 52% |
Affiliated organizations
Luunja vald | 0% 100% 100% | |
Tartu linn | 49% 51% 51% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License | Affiliated organization |
Heiki Sorge | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine sulgpall | Tartu linn |
Rainer Raski | Badminton (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Tartu linn |
Victoria Korobova | Treener: spetsialiseerumine sulgpall | Tartu linn |
Oskar Männik | Badminton (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Tartu linn |
Helen Kaarjärv | Badminton (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Tartu linn |
Kadi Ilves | Badminton (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Luunja vald |
BASKETBALL | 76% 24% 95% | |
basketball | 76% 24% 95% |
Affiliated organizations
Elva vald | 100% 0% 100% | |
Tartu linn | 75% 25% 95% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License | Affiliated organization |
Olari Narits | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Joosep Toome | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Janeli Prants | Treener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Ott-Erik Kalmus | Basketball (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Tartu linn |
René Sepp | Treener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Esko Tõnisson | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Martin Rosenthal | Nooremtreener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Artur Kusnerov | Treener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Liina Vähi | Treener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Kevin Rajasoo | Treener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Mattias Kuusik | Basketball (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Tartu linn |
Heila Rosenfeldt | Abitreener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Mailis Pokk | Basketball (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Tartu linn |
Lille Välja | Basketball (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Tartu linn |
Toomas Kandimaa | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Aivar Kuusmaa | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Rauno Kuusemets | Basketball (there is no corresponding professional qualification) | Tartu linn |
Jano Kunts | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine korvpall | Tartu linn |
Coaches and supervisors
CANOEING | 100% 0% 0% | |
canoe/kayak flatwater | 100% 0% 0% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License |
Koit Põder | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine aerutamine |
CYCLING SPORT | 73% 27% 67% | |
bmx racing | 74% 26% 100% | |
road cycling | 73% 27% 56% |
Affiliated organizations
Elva vald | 93% 7% 100% | |
Tartu linn | 70% 30% 61% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License | Affiliated organization |
Kristina Kapajeva | Treener: spetsialiseerumine jalgrattasport | Tartu linn |
Henry Närap | Abitreener: spetsialiseerumine jalgrattasport | Tartu linn |
Avely Austa | Treener: spetsialiseerumine jalgrattasport | Elva vald |
Caspar Austa | Treener: spetsialiseerumine jalgrattasport | Tartu linn |
GYMNASTICS | 9% 91% 4% | |
group trainings | 10% 90% 2% | |
gymnastics for all | 0% 100% 29% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License |
Kadri Kriisa | Abitreener: spetsialiseerumine rühmatreeningud |
Maris Tamm | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Marit Rauk | Nooremtreener: spetsialiseerumine rühmatreeningud |
Stanislav Žurbenko | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Marlene Altmäe | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Margit Laev | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine rühmatreeningud |
Marie Pullerits | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Helena Hildunen | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Deana Mikkel | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Ave Kängsepp | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Kristi Liikvart | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Ragnar Rooba | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Marju Asarov | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Lisette Tomingas | Aerobics and group trainings (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
HANDBALL | 100% 0% 0% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License |
Katrin Koser | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine käsipall |
Priit Allikivi | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine käsipall |
OTHER SPORTS | 75% 25% 100% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License |
Kätri-Avelin Raha | Muud spordialad (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
Henry Närap | Muud spordialad (there is no corresponding professional qualification) |
POWERLIFTING | 76% 24% 59% | |
powerlifting | 76% 24% 59% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License |
Peep Päll | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine jõutõstmine |
ROWING | 82% 18% 75% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License |
Priit Purge | Meistertreener: spetsialiseerumine sõudmine |
Rait Merisaar | Treener: spetsialiseerumine sõudmine |
TABLE TENNIS | 80% 20% 91% |
Coaches and supervisors
Name | License |
Reet Juurik | Vanemtreener: spetsialiseerumine lauatennis |
German Kuznetsov | Abitreener: spetsialiseerumine lauatennis |
Name | | Type | Activities |
Eesti Aerutamisföderatsioon | 80071801 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Akadeemiline Spordiliit | 80030498 | Sports association | |
Eesti Jalgratturite Liit | 80057497 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Jõutõsteliit | 80057617 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Kergejõustikuliit | 80079122 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Korvpalliliit | 80007140 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Käsipalliliit | 80066355 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Lauatenniseliit | 80079180 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Sõudeliit | 80071221 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Sulgpalliliit | 80079091 | Sports federation | |
Eesti Võrkpalli Liit | 80023481 | Sports federation | |
MTÜ Eesti Võimlemisliit | 80036970 | Sports federation | |
Tartu Spordiliit | 80194113 | County sports union | |
Tartumaa Spordiliit | 80046022 | County sports union |