Pallimängude saal
Area1548 (m2)
Length 43 (m)
Width36 (m)
Height12.5 (m)
Portable partitions1
Surface of the floorwood
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation2002
Stationary seats90
Portable seats400
Other seats490
Illuminance1200 (lx)
Seats in total980
Electronic scoreboards2
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Additional informationSpordisaali põrandale on alaliselt märgitud 3 korvpalli- ja 3 võrkpalliväljakut: 1 väljak pikkupidi, 2 väljakut ristipidi. Kõrvuti, ristipidi asetsevatel normaalmõõtmelistel palliväljakutel saab mängida üheaegselt. Kuna spordisaalis on olemas ka lahtikäiv tribüün pealtvaatajatele, siis selle lahtitõmbamisel on spordisaalis ainult 1 normaalmõõtmeline pikkupidi korvpalli- või võrkpalliväljak.


Standard basketball courts (28x15m)3
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m)1
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m)2
Basketball courts (26x14m)
Basketball courts (24x13m)
Simultaneously usable mini-basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)4


Standard volleyball courts (18x9m)3
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m)
Standard volleyball courts with international requirements (34x19x12,5m)1
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m)2
Simultaneously usable mini-volleyball courts (13,4x6,1m)
Area80 (m2)
Surface of the floorcarpet
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation2004
Portable partitions
EquipmentMultifunktsionaalne jõusaal. Jõusaal sisaldab trenažööre; treeningpinke kasutamiseks nii seljale, kõhule, kätele kui ka jalgadele; tõstepinke; hantlid.
Additional informationJõusaalis ei ole tõstepõrandat.


Squat standyes
Press benchyes
Area32 (m2)
Length of the mat covered area8 (m)
Width of the mat covered area4 (m)
Type of the matsoft
Portable partitions
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Additional information

Gymnastics for all


Judo tatamiyes