Tennisehall - 1
EssencePermanent building
Area1296 (m2)
Length 36 (m)
Width36 (m)
Height9 (m)
Portable partitions
Artificial turf courts
Carpet courts
Clay courts
Courts with other surface
Specification of court surface?
Illuminance800 (lx)
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary seats32
Portable seats
Other seats
Seats in total32
Additional information


Standard tennis courts for doubles (23,77x10,97m)2
Tennis courts with minimum requirements (34x16m)
Tennis courts with national requirements (35x17m)2
Tennis courts with international requirements (36,6x18,3m)
Tennis courts with major requirements (40,23x20,11m)
Standard tennis courts for singles (23,77x8,23m)2
Simultaneously usable tennis courts2
Tennisehall - 2
EssencePermanent building
Area1296 (m2)
Length 36 (m)
Width36 (m)
Height9 (m)
Portable partitions
Artificial turf courts
Carpet courts
Clay courts
Courts with other surface
Specification of court surface?
Illuminance800 (lx)
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary seats80
Portable seats
Other seats
Seats in total80
Additional information


Standard tennis courts for doubles (23,77x10,97m)2
Tennis courts with minimum requirements (34x16m)
Tennis courts with national requirements (35x17m)2
Tennis courts with international requirements (36,6x18,3m)
Tennis courts with major requirements (40,23x20,11m)
Standard tennis courts for singles (23,77x8,23m)2
Simultaneously usable tennis courts2
Tennisehall - 3
EssencePermanent building
Area1296 (m2)
Length 36 (m)
Width36 (m)
Height9 (m)
Portable partitions
Artificial turf courts
Carpet courts2
Clay courts
Courts with other surface
Specification of court surface?
Illuminance800 (lx)
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary seats
Portable seats
Other seats
Seats in total
Additional information


Standard tennis courts for doubles (23,77x10,97m)2
Tennis courts with minimum requirements (34x16m)
Tennis courts with national requirements (35x17m)2
Tennis courts with international requirements (36,6x18,3m)
Tennis courts with major requirements (40,23x20,11m)
Standard tennis courts for singles (23,77x8,23m)2
Simultaneously usable tennis courts2
Pallimängude saal
Area1482 (m2)
Length 39 (m)
Width38 (m)
Height9.4 (m)
Portable partitions1
Surface of the floorwood
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation2018
Stationary seats
Portable seats500
Other seats
Illuminance1200 (lx)
Seats in total500
Electronic scoreboards2
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Additional informationLisaks ühele rahvusvaheliste võistluste jaoks nõuetekohase vabaalaga korvpalliväljakule on olemas kaks ristipidi normaalmõõtmelist korvpalliväljakut.


Standard basketball courts (28x15m)3
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m)1
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m)2
Basketball courts (26x14m)
Basketball courts (24x13m)
Simultaneously usable mini-basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)4
Area336 (m2)
Length 21 (m)
Width16 (m)
Height3 (m)
Surface of the floorwood parquet
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation
Portable partitions1
Mirror wallyes
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Additional information

Group trainings

Gymnastics for all

Rühmatreeningu saal
Area168 (m2)
Length 14 (m)
Width12 (m)
Height3 (m)
Surface of the floorPVC
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation
Portable partitions
Mirror wallyes
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Additional information

Group trainings

Gymnastics for all

Area410 (m2)
Length of the mat covered area12 (m)
Width of the mat covered area12 (m)
Type of the matwrestling mat
Portable partitions
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Additional information


Standard wrestling mat (12x12m)yes
Võitluskunstide saal
Area160 (m2)
Length of the mat covered area6 (m)
Width of the mat covered area6 (m)
Type of the matsurface of combat sports practicing area
Portable partitions
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Additional information


Area670 (m2)
Surface of the floorcarpet
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation
Portable partitions
EquipmentLife Fitness ja Hammer Strength treeningseadmed
Additional informationAvar kardioseadmete ala ja lai valik mugavaid plokkseadmeid erinevate lihasrühmade treenimiseks. Eraldi ala on treenimiseks vabaraskustega ning küki ja jõutõmbe puuridega.


Squat standyes
Press benchyes

Bodybuilding and fitness


Purposelauatennise saal
Area144 (m2)
Length 12 (m)
Width12 (m)
Height (m)
Surface of the floorPVC
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation
Portable partitions
Stationary seats
Portable seats
Other seats
Seats in total
Illuminance (lx)
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary sound amplifier systemno
Additional information

Table tennis

Simultaneously usable standard table tennis table5
Korvpalliklubi ViimsiBasketball
Kristina Koroljak SpordiklubiBodybuilding and fitness
MTÜ DanceAct TantsustuudioDancing sports
MTÜ Kalevi JalgrattakoolCycling sport
MTÜ Spordiklubi Martin Reimi JalgpallikoolFootball
MTÜ Viimsi JKFootball
MTÜ Viimsi PinxTable tennis
OÜ TantsustaaridGymnastics
OÜ Tondi TennisekeskusBodybuilding and fitness, Gymnastics
SA US TenniseakadeemiaDancing sports, Tennis
Spordiklubi LindonAthletics
Spordiklubi OokamiJudo, Sumo
Team TennisTennis
Vaher Fitness MTÜBodybuilding and fitness
Viimsi LauatenniseklubiTable tennis