• Vinni-Pajusti staadion
  • Stadium
  • Date of data 10.01.2024
  • Built 2008
  • Tammiku tn 9, Vinni alevik, Vinni vald, Lääne-Viru maakond
  • vallavalitsus@vinnivald.ee
  • +372 5044116
  • Tartaankattega jooksuovaal 4-realine, 100 m sirge 6-realine. Olemas kaugushüppepaigad, kuulitõuke- ja odaviskealad, kettaheitering, teivashüppeala, kõrgushüppekomplekt. Jalgpallimuruväljak 95x64 m. Tribüün 200-kohaline.


football, athletics
Purposeathletics and soccer stadium
Length of the stadium166 (m)
Width of the stadium85 (m)
Oval running trackyes
Length of the oval running track400 (m)
Number of the lanes in bends4
Number of the lanes at the front straight6
Number of the lanes at the opposite straight4
Water jumpno
Number of the straights1
Length of the straight110 (m)
Lanes of the straight6
Surfacesynthetic surface
Specification of the track surfacetartaan
Year of the surface installation2009
Midfield footballl fieldyes
Length of the football field95 (m)
Width of the football field64 (m)
Midfield surfacegrass
Specification of the midfield surfacekülvimuru
Year of the midfield surface installation2008
Long and triple jump areas 2
High jump areas1
Javelin throwing areas1
Shot put throwing circles2
Discus and hammer throw circle1
Artificial lightno
Illuminance (lx)
Electronic scoreboardno
Stationary sound amplifier systemno
Stationary seats200
Other seats20
Seats in total220
Additional informationMõlemat kaugushüppepaika saab samaaegselt kasutada. Odaviskesektorid on mõlemas väljaku otsas, kuid viskeala on üks - jalgpallimurul. Istekohtadeks on pingid.


Soccer fields/pitches1
Soccer fields with minimum requirements (min 90x45m)1



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